
A Memorbuch (German for „memory book”) is a book of spiritual memory with a long tradition in Judaism. It is kept in its respective Jewish congregation. Sadly, the Memorbuch of the congregation of Niederzissen no longer exists.

In 2014, a subsequent Memorbuch for Niederzissen was created. It is kept in the permanent exhibition and is dedicated to all victims of the Shoah who had lived in the Brohl valley. All personal data was gathered by Brunhilde Stürmer. For her tireless efforts in researching these people, she was later awarded the Bundesverdienstkreuz– the German Order of Merit.

The virtual book of spiritual memory, unlike a traditional Memorbuch, can occasionally offer further information on individual fates. The selection rests on the existence of remaining stories, as well as surviving pictures or objects.

More in-depth information about all individuals can be found in the book by Brunhilde Stürmer and Brigitte Decker: “Ein langer Weg” (“A long way”, only available in German), published by the Kultur- und Heimatverein Niederzissen e.V., 2017.