Siegmund Cahn
house of Siegmund Cahn, Oberdorfstraße Niederzissen
Born on May 15th, 1881, in Niederzissen.
Lives in Niederzissen.
Is presumably deported on April 26th, 1942, first to the transit camp in castle Brohleck and a few days later, on April 30th, via Coblenz to Krasnystow-Belzec.
Further whereabouts unknown.
Siegmund Cahn is the sixth child of Josef and Henriette Kahn. The Kahn family lives on a property on Kappelenstraße in Niederzissen which encompasses their home, a garden, a yard, a stable and a slaughterhouse. Siegmund goes on to marry Alwina Vyth from Kalkar. It is her second marriage. For many years, Siegmund lives in his parental home, but in 1936 exchanges this home for an old house on Obersdorfstraße. Siegmund is a fishmonger. Every Thursday, he makes his rounds through Niederzissen to take orders, and delivers fresh fish the following day. Town tradition remembers a song which the children of the village composed about him: “On Thursday he comes running, basket and notebook in his hand, to note down all the people, who want to buy his catch.” [Children’s song by Bernhard